1. Death is permanent
2. Healing spells and items only give temporary HP. When you're hit, temporary HP will be subtracted from the damage before your permanent HP. Spells and potions can also bring your temporary HP above your maximum HP.
3. Critical success and botches are in effect. A crit botch may result in dealing half damage harm upon yourself, an ally, or result in your tripping and falling face first into sewage, at the DM's discretion.
4. Crit success and botch for skill use is in effect, at DM's discretion.
5. Level 0 spells can be used a total of Level*2 times per day. (Minimum 5)
6. Detection spells when used, can only be focused upon one item, strength/location per cast.
7. Experience is given out at a fast rate.
Bonus Experience
Up to 100xp RP bonus per character per session.(Subject to change/scale)
100xp per skill use per character. Maximum 300xp per character per session. (Subject to change/scale)
Avoiding Combat encounters may yield less experience than completing encounter, at case by case situations.
Up to 50% experience you'd normally from a morally ambiguous encounter.
Character CR for quest/mission/event completion.
All details are subject to change based on specific encounters.
Zeelix - Human Inquisitor, Nick
Shiro - Tengu Rogue, Chris
Sheka - Human Monk, Peter
Neri - Human Magus, Romana
New Players
- Start at level 2.
- Any class in the Core & Advance rulebook.
- Starting Gold: 150
- Dice roll: 4d6 per stat. Use top 3. Rolls of 1 can be rerolled up to once per stat.
- Races: Any.