With Pokemon X and Y to be released within one months time (10/12/13) we've received new information on the features and Pokemon awaiting to be battled and captured. Before we get to the main topic, Mega Mewtwo X, let's talk about Mega Forms.
If you missed the news about Mega Forms, dont worry, you didn't miss much as details are still sketchy. From what we have gathered thus far though, these forms will exist as alternate forms for certain pokemon, which can be unlocked by equiping a special item to the pokemon. Mega Forms goes one step further though and requires the acquisition of a second item to unlock mega forms in the first place, but the final method of unlocking these special forms remains to be seen first hand.
Yes, you saw right, Charizard, Blastoise, and Venasaur will be featuring entirely new forms, and this isn't no art style change. These are the Mega Forms of the 3 starter pokemon from the first generation, that you will receive somewhere along your journey. The original starters wont be alone in receiving these mega forms either, as we've already seen such from many other pokemon, including Lucario, Kangaskhan (which is on the less than impressive side), Ampharos, Blaziken, Mawile, Absol, Garchomp, and with presumably many more to come.
I neglected to include one pokemon on that list that will be featuring the new Mega Form, because it doesn't end at simply having a single Mega Form. Mewtwo shall receive version exclusive Mega Forms, Mega Mewtwo Y and Mega Man X. Alright, Mega Mewtwo X, but after seeing a post of facebook, I couldn't resist.
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What do you guys think? Personally, I prefer Mega Mewtwo Y, but Mega Mewtwo X oddly enough, looks VERY similar to art of the fan creation "Mewthree X" that has been out for years.

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